kids embarrassment 101

Makeup done
Dressed up, ready to go 
Putting finishing touches I packed my hair and used my daughter's hair bun on my hair.
My people, na there yawa gas ohhhh
My daughter screamed and started crying 
This little Madam was crying for her hair bun till we got to church.
All thanks to God the kids were whisked away to their own church and I heaved a sigh of  relief.

Everything was going on well until my daughter ran and sat on my laps while the church announcement was on going.
The children closed from their church early and came looking for their parents. So, here was my Princess.
The minute she sat on my lap she screamed 'Mummy give me my hair!' and proceeded to pull the hair bun.
Imagine the glances directed my way?
The embarrassment and pretence that everything was cool...
I'd best leave it to your imagination.

This is the second time I'd be 'hairmbarssed' by my kids. It was first my son, now it's my daughter.
See why I carry my own hair 80% of the time? 
This kids are something else.

Care to share any of your experiences?


  1. But... Why did you borrow her hairbun? Tell us that part fess


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