...And life goes on!

Mummy AB was such a bubbling life force, always smiling, cheeful and kind. Never has a fight with anyone or an unkind word to say to or about another.
Woke up one morning, exchanged pleasantries with neighbours, opened her shop for business and said she was going home for a quick breakfast.
She never returned. She died of cardiac arrest.
Her death was quite a shocker cos one minute she was walking about her shop and the next the doctor was confirming her dead.
Her husband died two years before and so her two teenage sons were by her death, orphaned.

Two weeks later, I'm sitting at her wake keep and listening to her son and loved ones talk about how wonderful a woman she was.
A few tears here and there.
The clergyman crowned it by giving a heart rending sermon.
And as they sang hymns, prayer was made for refreshments.

In the next instant the atmosphere moved from solemn to 'fastest fingers first'
Bottles were moving left right
Plates of food were exchanged
Trays were flying overhead
Spoons, serviette...
Those hiding to grab more
Those that came prepared with nylon.
The sight made me wonder; it seems people drag food more in burials than weddings oh cos they hide under the cloak of mourning to move things.

I sat there and simply thought to myself; there's nothing to this life; once you're gone that's about it. People move on so fast!
Where you'd think people came to mourn, some had come for the refreshments.

Bottom line is, live your best life because nothing else matters the minute you breathe your last.


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