This year!

Was enjoying a relaxed evening with Dad when his phone rang
            'Good evening Sir, it's... speaking. My                 Mum was in the hospital since                           December last year. Thankfully she's                 fine now and is to be discharged but                 we're to an outstanding balance of                      #80,000 and for over a week my                        Mum has been detained at the                           hospital until we pay up'.

The man who called is the Nephew to a very prominent and wealthy politician in my state.
He had gone severally to see his Uncle but for one reason or the other, he always have been bounced at the gate by security. The last time he went to his Uncle's house, the security refused letting him in on the grounds that his Uncle was sleeping. Phone calls or text messages, he has responded to none.

 This new year, wonders have started happening?
May we never be on the position were we ate totally dependent on men to survive oh. Some would hold the key to what you need but would prefer to watch you suffer, laugh at you while pretending to cry with you or they clearly disappear from your life when challenges show up.

This year God will show up for us.
Before men would want to play god, our breakthrough will come.


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