Apologies don't cut it!

You see some people, they're nothing but cunning and crafty.
They treat you bad, they try to manipulate you, do so much to hurt you and act as though it's nothing.

Manipulative to the core, and when you react, they announce your reaction to the world and play victim.

How about those who know you, know where and what's hurting, but go ahead to do those things anyways, then comeback with the crocodile tears asking for forgiveness.
Some even mobilize family and friends to join in the apologizing and claim alot of things wrong.

Some think that the 'i'm sorry' they casually throw around will cover for powerful scars they've caused in the lives of many.
Sometimes, I'm sorry doesn't quite cut it.

I had some friends who hurt me so bad in my university days, I literally moved out from living together with them, without their notice.
I also forgave them deeply even before they asked and they tried getting our relationship on track, back to what it used to be, but it didn't work because anytime I heard from any of them it just triggered bad feelings. 
That's how our relationship has become watered down.

The best thing will always be to forgive, dont bring out any food, and let people be.
Those who throw apologies all around thinking it will solve things don't understand that it doesn't just work that way.
After the apology, please do what works for you.
Don't fall into the trap of trying to please so you accept situations you're uncomfortable with.
God help us.


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