What works for you?

That it's trending doesn't mean it will work for you.
Everybody's wearing it doesn't mean it will fit you
That they're all doing it doesn't mean that lifestyle will suit you.

There's something for everybody
Have you found yours?
Why are you forcing and squeezing yourself to fit into a certain narrative when you were created and blessed to be exceptional?

What works for A, may not work for B
Everybody's buying a Benz, so you buy it. Can you maintain it?
Everyone is going abroad. So you sell the only land you have, begin the process without knowing the ins and outs.
Everybody's having boyfriend, so you join.
Now you're pregnant and Baby Daddy's saying he's not interested.

Find what suits you, do it
Pursue it and diligently follow through
You'd find yourself standing out and shinning bright, yo the administration of all.


  1. There should be a button for reactions and not only to comment.


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