Johnny just come!

Story! story!!
Once upon a time!

My beloved people, this Oyibo land that I entered, I've been respecting myself oh.
Google map has become my best friend.
I don't try to show myself at all, I've been following hubby around like we're some kind of Siamese twins.
There are so many fascinating things to see here that if you're not attentive and smart, you'd find yourself in another world.

So, we had a Doctor's appointment today and the whole family went.
Tests and examinations went smoothly
We hopped on the trail back.
The kids won't stop singing in the train and pointing at things, from one stop to another.
They were having the time of their lives until it got to our stop.
Hubby and the Baby girl got off but our son refused alighting.
While we were at this back and forth of 'come down, come down' my people, that's how the doors to the train shut and the train sped off.
The miracle was that I was behind him.
First, I thanked God that I was with
Next I started calling Angels to come and help us cos 'Help me, help me, e don dey carry me go where I no know' was all that was ringing in my mind.

The Mighty Almighty himself saw that his beloveth daughter would have ended in another state oh.
Thankfully, the next train stopped wasn't so far.
You needed to see the speed with which we got off, and started the Israelites journey back to where we left hubby under -6⁰.

Well, my testimony here is that after the manipulation of the devil, your girl no loss for oyibo land todaaaaaayyyyy.
Somebody say hallelujah!!!


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