Absolute power

Hubby slowed down and proceeded to park upon request by the road safety officer
We were used to this routine as their check point was positioned close to our place of residence

Officer: Sir your driver's licence
Hubby presented it
Officer: Your papers, 
Come down
where's your fire extinguisher, C-caution, jack....
It was obvious the officer was becoming frustrated by the minute as hubby was a strong believer in keeping everything with relations to the car up to date.

Officer: Ehen oga your spare tyre is under inflated 
Hubby: Really, didn't notice, I'd just pump it down the road then
Obviously not the reply he was expecting as the usual practice would be parting with some currencies to placate him. The officer became incensed and gradually it metamorphosised into threats 

Officer: I will book you and there's nothing you can do about it
Hubby: Alright, just show me where it's stated that I can be booked for having an under inflated spare tyre
Officer: Is it me you're talking to, I will seize your license for 3 months by the time I'm done with you, you'll wish you never met me. Gradually other officers joined in
All the while I watched from the car as I was in my third trimester of pregnancy, hungry and trying to calm an agitated toddler on my hand until it became obvious they were bent on intimidation and extortion. As I joined hubby it further detoriated  into a heated argument
Little by little a crowd of people began to gather in support of hubby
Seeing that they couldn't intimidate him and with the gathering crowd, they drove off with the car papers
Well, we took legal actions against them but ended up settling out of court.

Yesterday, it the news of a female Nigerian Army officer pouring a coloured liquid substance on a female corp member for arguing with her that made rounds

So many cases of intimidation, extortion and even the ultimate price of death has plagued the Nigerian people by those in uniforms. See how the average Nigerian prays not to encounter them?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely
This therefore is nothing but an abuse of the power they've been entrusted with.

That's how they behave, all of them in uniforms we'd say, but how about you and I?
A little position of authority and we become hell-bent on making everyone sweat
Do you know who I am? Is one of the most famous phrases thrown around today.
Since they made you head of that department or assigned you that position everyone dreads dealing with your office

What then makes us believe that the bulk of abuse ends with the man holding the gun

Let the change we cry for begin with you and me
Decide today to use your position of authority to make life better not bitter.


  1. No truer words. We are always quick to point that accusing finger without first looking inward to our own wrongs.

    1. True Sis.
      The responsibility to make life better is on all of us.


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