Chi-Baby don get belle PART 1

Baby stop stop stop!!! 
Hubby immediately slammed the brakes given to how loud I screamed as though my life depended on it.
'What is it, are you okay?' he asked
'Ok? Didn't you see that woman carrying abacha? Abeg turn sharp sharp before she goes far or better still just run and meet her' I said
I was in my second trimester and abacha was the craving for the day.
It didn't matter if we had to stop on a very busy highway or cross seven mountains.
The baby wanted abacha and hubby was duty bound to get it.

I always prided myself as a person who was careful of what and where I ate until pregnancy happened and my Baby girl status flew out the window
One faithful day after making our purchases, I discovered a restaurant in the market, to hubby's horror
My joy could only be best described like that of the Israelites when manna rained from heaven
To say I began frequenting the restaurant won't quite cut it.
I practically went there everyday to eat ogbonno and fufu.
I didn't understand why hubby won't join me in eating, he'd simply sit and watch me while giving me those monosyllabic responses until we were out of the place.
Every time we went to the market, I somehow managed to find crazy things and places to eat 
Hubby began dreading going with me and cunningly talked me into giving up on the market trips with the claims that it was stressful for the baby and I.
Well, lucky him. I would've probably discovered the 10th wonder of the world if he didn't intervene.

After birthing my baby I was opportuned to pass along the place the restaurant was located and I couldn't believe that was the place I ate too many times to even count.
From the gutter, to the plywood and tapolin used in construction of the make shift restaurant to the squeeking benches and table you had to share with about 4-5 persons, almost bumping elbows and all when you ate, not minding that you had to struggle for the seat whenever you go dey while you screamed your order to whoever was serving the food, as well as fight with the flies when the meal finally arrives. 
Prior to this time I could've sworn that place was equated with any top ranking restaurant.

Pregnancy will humble you, no matter who you are.


  1. Lols... pregnancy will humble you indeed!!! And Chi Baby was very well humbled.

    1. For the life of me, I would never have contemplated some of the crazy things pregnancy made me do.


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