'I don suffer no be small
Upon say I get sense
Poverty no good at all oh
Na him make I join this business'...

I sang along Nkem Owoh in my mind as I passionately devoured the feast in front of me
See ehhh my people this life is sweet!!!

That faithful Saturday in Bayelsa State, after a gruesome week of been battered with endless cramming of sections and Latin Maxims, as well as lectures and countless assignments, my friend and I decided to give ourselves a treat by going to swim for  a few hours to unwind from Law School palava

It would be my first time swimming so we headed to the market, got me a swimsuit and we were good to go.

My friend was tired.
This was the third hotel we were going to and the poolside was used as the reception venue so automatically our swimming for that day was threatened to end before it even started. 
However on our way back to school I succeeded in convincing him to give it one more trial and that's how we found ourselves in this Grand hotel.

From the parking lot it looked like we had landed in another world
ALL the cars looked so new, black and shinny like they were specifically purchased for whatever occasion it was
Were they given a memo or what?
Something was definitely going on and curiosity got the best of us.
We walked in and found ourselves in the middle of nothing short of a breathtakingly beautiful reception- BY THE POOL!!!

One look around told me I had found my place in destiny and not even hell's gate could stop me.
Who wouldn't trade drowning for a plate of Nigerian party jollof rice?
Now you see why the Biblical Esau sold his birthright.

That was how my friend and I got initiated into the 'Wedding Crashers Association'.
You think we don't exist? There's a movie in honour of us 'Wedding Crashers'.

They employed a buffet service, with different brands of drinks overflowing yet every guest seemed to be arriving with their own wine
I just knew we had to help the wonderful couple by not allowing anything go to waste so we ate and ate and ate some more.
How else were we going to show the couple our love?
It was obviously a high profile wedding so I formulated a good response to tell anyone who accousted me that my father was either a Minister Or a General in the Army.

Hey don't give me that look
It was technically not a lie of course, because my father was and still is indeed a Minister of the Gospel A.K.A Soldier of the Cross.

Thankfully I went out with a big fashion handbag so the minute guests on our table got up to spray money on the couple we quickly moved drinks, chops and anything moveable
The Lord really does move in mysterious ways because we had quite a fulfilled day.

I didn't need any prophet to tell me I would be used mightily in this association.

Anyway, it's another beautiful Saturday morning and I employ you to crash that wedding near you today
Don't let that beautiful couple's jollof rice and chicken go to waste.
Be your brother's keeper.
There's no need to thank me,
What are friends for?


  1. I'm going to crash one now... I will take malt now that you have given me the maltivation

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†Don't forget to bring some for family members oh

  2. ��������


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