Hubby won't stop cheating

Even in my presence!
I've had enough oh, ah ah
You'd always find him laughing so loud, whispering, and talking in some language only both of them understood
This used to be us 
How did everything change? Or rather when?
I've been a good wife and friend to hubby all these years
My prayer life had even trippled in momentum
So why?
The first instance I set my eyes on her and she gave me those dimple riddled smile I knew I was done for
Fighting her was already a lost cause so I made up my mind to adapt and accept that this love had come to stay
Don't get me wrong, everyone possess that emotion called jealousy but with respect to her, I knew the lines were blurred so I accepted my fate to share him
Have you ever had to watch a person you love fall in love with another and all you could do was stand at the sidelines?
They were at it again!
Everything she did made him happy
Indeed she was a beauty to behold
Brown skin girl, sparkling white teeth, an overall rain of awesomeness, all giggly and happy
With a nightingale's voice
Where will I start with this competition?
I needed a 1000 ways to get my man back
With carefully implemented strategy I'm sure I'll win him 
Heavens help me in this uphill task
I was so lost in thought when her sweet voice Jared me back to reality
'Mummy give me milk!'


  1. Awwww, for once I contemplated a side chick. Thank God o😊

    Now, psychology explains this succinctly. It is called oedipus/Electra complex. You won't believe that some marriages have crashed for this reason.

    Abeg, where is Haddy, my roomie🤣🤣🤣

    1. One good turn deserves another.
      I've started formulating my own strategy for when she gets married.
      For some mysterious reasons I'd always develop waist pain and headache whenever she wants to go out with her Boo and of course his company would be the only cure.

  2. Oh dear, how do you win this?
    These little ones come with a charm.

  3. Very interesting, I was actually perplexed at the beginning... But this gave me a really good laugh

  4. Nice piece was prepared and waiting for a long read but you bursted my bubbles with that subtle quick ending. Keep it up.


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