Before You Judge Him
Dear Lord, how are we ever going to make it through this period? I thought as I tried to keep the tears at bay

It was indeed a financially challenging time, we were down to the last of our son's cereal, milk and diaper,
Not to mention,we had spent all we had with no hopes from anywhere whatsoever
So when hubby told me about the cash gift he got at work that day
My eyes lit up like Christmas lights
Until he told me he rejected the gift
'Why?' I asked
'Because the gift was for me to alter some results and give a false report'
And for the first time I could see the tears in his eyes as I starred at him
'Sweetness, I thought of our baby's needs, I thought of you as well and I was almost tempted to take it but my principles won't let me' he said
One of the many things that got me attracted to hubby was his integrity, principles and discipline
So it didn't come as a surprise when he said he rejected the cash
Ohhhhh but my mind imagined all the money would've done but then I smiled knowing deep down he made the right choice
We never know the true depths of our character and convictions until we've been tested
So when we hear of people's fall and think we stand strong, let's not be so quick to judge or jubilate but take better caution as we might be tested at any time

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