God catch you!!!

Growing up in a Pastor's house was a shade of different emotions and experiences from happy to indifferent, sad times and mad fun.

There was never a dull moment in the house because we had lots of people living with us, so like a beehive, something was always happening.

Aunty Judy was one of those who lived with us for the period of her internship program.
A young and assertive lady, her shakara level was first class, so was her wickedness. She always woke everyone up in the wee hours of the morning with loud screams of prayers of maiming and killing the devil in unimaginable ways.

Aunty Judy was all nice and lovey dovey whenever our parents were home but once they turned their backs she'd always send my siblings and I to meaningless errands, gave orders you couldn't counter, the most painful part was how she'd always cut our ration of meat or fish.
Who would we report to except the Almighty God?
We took her matter up in prayers that God would help us punish her at least even if it was just once.

One lovely afternoon we were watching a beauty reality show when Aunty Judy grabbed a mirror and began examining her face. She began complaining of how her nose didn't fit her face and appeared too big.
All of a sudden it seemed God heard our cries as she sent my younger brother to go buy her super glue.
Guess what?
Aunty Judy poured some in her nose claiming it would make her nose firm and slim. Before we could say jack, she started screaming 'I can't breath, my nose oh, my nose'

We knew instantly that it was God fighting for us and what do you do when God fights for you? Stay the hell out of the way!!!
So the gang and I snuck out and silently locked the door with key.
Who will want to interrupt the doings of the Almighty one?
Our God-1
Aunty Judy-0


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