Like mother, like daughter!!!

'Die die in the name of Jesus
Give me broom, give me...
Hurry up..
You can't escape me
This is your end....'

That definitely was my mum chasing mosquitoes
We grew accustomed to her wails and screaming
Her prayer power, second to none
All the window nets in our house attested to how deadly her punches were as they all had holes to show for it
If you missed her punch you surely wouldn't be missing the gallons of the blood of Jesus littered everywhere.

My super Mama has been waging war since time immemorial against all insects or pests
Whatever made anyone find their way into our house was quite a pity because coming across her was tantamount to untimely death.

I just couldn't understand it
Woman of God had broken glasses, windows, nets, chairs, destroyed our brooms, torn too many books, all in a bid to probably catch one mosquito.
Why not just spray insecticide Mummy?
Really couldn't understand it

I was drifting away, 
A hair's breath from heaven's gate when it sounded in my ears
Whhhhheeeeeeeeee whhhhhheeeeee
Oh noooooo it couldn't be
I had tossed for hours unend last night and when the hands of sleep decided to finally claim me this mosquito showed up?
I sprang up from my bed with holy indignation

Tonight, it's kill or be killed

The battle line was drawn

All of a sudden it began to make sense
The passion and singleness of purpose with which my mum chased those mosquitoes
I could feel the rush in my veins
As I squinted my eyes in focus

Killed it!
I had officially become a mosquito hunter.


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