Off Limits

'Daddy I want to run for Hostel Governor'
I said
'Hmmmmm, that's nice, but why not run as SUG President?' he replied

That was me as a 200 level law student who felt I was already achieving a mighty feat seeing that the position for Hostel Governor had always been occupied by final year students
And my Dad was asking me to run for SUG?

I was privileged to be raised by a father who always taught me to aim for the highest and the best.
'If others can get it then you equally deserve it and if no one has done it, even better, because you become the pacesetter' he'd say

I thought he'd be wowed but he challenged me to go further

Your limitations lie only in your mind
You are your biggest propelling force or your biggest obstacle
If your mind can conceive it, then it's very possible 
Ohhhh what if I don't hit my target?
You'd have left the chicks on the ground and would be soaring high with the eagles

Challenge your mind today to do better
Errrrmmmmmm, mine is a routine job
Find a way to put it in a different class

Challenge your mind today
There's nothing too big to accomplish
You are only as big as you'd let your mind dream
Take that limits off.


  1. "There's nothing too big to accomplish"

    I thought I had dreams. I didn't know I was putting myself in a box.


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