Tea and bread

The day had been a very hectic one with endless chains of activities
So the minute I got home, all I wanted was a warm calming bath, a massage, warm meal and a sound sleep
I was totally spent

The blessings of marriage
I had my bath
Dragged my ragged self to the sitting room and began flipping through channels
Then I called out
'Babe can you make noodle for me I'm famished?'
'Sweetheart I'm as tired as you are if not even more.
My day was equally stressful.
Let's have tea and bread for dinner' he responded

Tea and bread!
Tea and bread!!
I thought marriage was for living the life
Am I a bird?
So that's how this man is planning to kill me with starvation
That is, coloured water and flour?
Whatever happened to eba and soup, rice and stew and the likes?

To think that I spent alot doing something on this man's head!
I went to the side drawer on the bed and brought out the marriage list his family gave me when I went to pay his groom price
Four good pages!!!
3 cows
5 goats
Countless number of drinks
And the food?
After paying all these a woman cannot ask for small noodle

It's like I should ask for partial refund.


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