The greatest currency

FIL:You mean your father is......?
Me: Yes Sir
FIL: This indeed is a small world.
I know your Dad from years ago when he was still a single young man, till he got married. He's one of the few genuine people I know. He's really a great man........ 
Give me his number, I'm calling him immediately.
I was meeting my father-in-law for the first time and that was it.
I was practically accepted as part of the family without the drilling and grilling we are culturally accustomed to.

Long story short, three weeks after, hubby and I were traditionally married.
A good name is said to be better than silver and gold and my Dad's name and good legacies worked here for me.

Growing up, my Dad taught my siblings and I that there were things much more valuable than physical cash.

From a sound character, to a good name, to having principles and integrity, to being tolerate, patient, loveable and open minded, having empathy, contentment, respectful, teachable, kind, forgiving, diligent, consistent, hardworking, honesty, maintaining great people relationship, ohhhhh the list goes on and on.

The most important currency of this life is not the tangible cash. Your kindness today could very well open doors you never dreamt of for you tomorrow.

So as we go through life, let's not forget the place of the intangible.
This might be the best legacy you would be leaving for your children and generations yet unborn.


  1. Good name is better than riches. But my people still prefer $500k to a good name.

    1. Indeed!!!
      There are doors in life only relationships and the content of our character can open for us.
      Let's look beyond the urgent cash.


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