chop your money finish today

How does one explain the logic behind the poor spending more?

This brings to mind an experience I had In my university days. 
I had this classmate turned neighbour
Since we lived next to each other, we practically went to school and returned together most of the time

She always had something to say about my dressing
Always asking about prices and where I got my clothes
Never knew she was waging a silent competition until one day when she she called me over to her room to see the new outfits she got
'As you dey always kill us with your dressing I say make I do small shopping too. See the things I got' she said when i got to her room

They were a handful of nice shiffon tops and then she told me the price leaving me in shock.
#60,000 for less than 10 tops? In 2011?
That was a whole lot of money to me as a student
Meanwhile yours truly all through my university days shopped with OK presently termed thrifts

We spend the little we have or what we don't even have, trying to impress those who most times may not notice
The wealthy can afford that luxury kind of lifestyle without thinking twice about it because their accounts are 'well balanced'
What have you and I done that should warrant us splashing same amount around?

There's a time for everything
Growth is progressional
While we are still at our days of humble beginnings let's apply in making our minds better exposed, skilled and informed

Tomorrow when the dividends of our labour pays off then we can afford to indulge all we want
As for today, we build!


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