Crack on the wall

The ovation was defeaning 
Ray stood on the podium, award in hand, tears in his eyes as he reminisced on how he got there

It was a cold day in October when his father packed up and never looked back
6years after he turned the big 17 and gained admission into college
His joy was short-lived as his Mama passed away same year

How else could one define bad luck thought Ray
No help
No family
He became everything
From a bricklayer to a security guard
Slept in classrooms, slept on couches and parks
Blood, sweat and tears
Graduated with a resounding grade
But still, nothing

Took up the job as a cleaner in a mall
And as he mopped the floor and sang his heart out
Little did he know that a music legend was using the restroom, who stood transfixed to the spot listening to the soulful melody of his voice
That day marked his big break

We've all been through crazy times
Some so overwhelming you just believe it's over
And then God provides that crack on the wall
A tiny whinny little crack
But just enough to get you through
And that crack happens to be all the big announcement and endorsement you need
Marking the beginning of your 360 turn around
Keep that fighting spirit
Hold strong, your victory song is at hand
Your new story is about to begin

                                  Your stars are aligning


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