Happy International Men's Day

Men are scum?
Nah, you haven't met a real man
Men give life
Men protect
Men provide
A true man would give his life for his family
Many have done so literally
Many do it daily in the sacrifices they make

Men are irreplaceable
See how much a father's love can propel him to do anything to see his family smile?
See how protective and caring brothers are?
See how loving and giving husbands are?
A man is a priceless treasure

Today we celebrate you
For your labour of love
For your sacrifices
For being true and sticking with us
We celebrate you for selflessly giving of yourself
We celebrate you doing your best in shielding us from the harshness of life

We do not take all you do for granted
And with you by our side, everything becomes easier and better

To the dead beat Dads
To the men who have done nothing but stay absent 
To the men who have brought nothing but  cause pain
Fortunately today happens to be international toilet day
That's what we wish you

And to the real men in our lives


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