How Nancy got her man

'Please can you buy me corn, even if it's just one. I really want to eat corn' said the Mr
Hubby and I were on our customary evening stroll when we walked into the above scene
It was nothing out of the ordinary
A young man was asking a lady who was in company of her friend to buy him corn
Oh, of course she was beautiful and obviously knew it, going by the way she shunned the young man, treating him like dirt

'Don't you have your own money? Abeg don't disturb me, I just came here to buy corn in peace' she responded while giving him angry glares mixed with the look of disdain
Her friend kept nudging her to be nicer or stop the rudeness but she fired on with her tongue.

Out of kindness or in a bid to pacify the young man, the friend of the lady bought him the corn, asking him to overlook her friends behaviour, apologizing on her behalf

And just like a movie scene, the young man turned around without saying a word, walked few metres from the corn stand and got into a crazy sweet looking car
He returned to the lady who bought him the corn, gave her his complimentary card and some clean wards of cash and asked her to call the very next day and then drove off
The saucy friend was left speechless
Her jaw almost dropping to the floor
And I guess she stood there wishing she was the one who got the card

As a hopeless romantic, I was pretty happy and hoped it ended in love and marriage for them

MORALS OF THIS STORY; Be nice, it will cost you nothing
Many have entertained angels, met their spouses, even destiny helpers and great lifetime opportunities this way.


  1. This happened in 2019. I remember this day vividly.

    1. Yes oh,
      Be nice, you never know how or when it will pay off.


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