I solemnly swear

I sat at the table perplexed. Looking around the calibre of people I sat with and I wondered how swift things can change in life.

Just yesterday,  I was a common cab driver and today, I'm here, sitting with the Chief of staff to the President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces and discussing the future of my people.

However, it was less about the incident of the day that dominated my mind, but the events that led to that day.

i had just started my cab business when a receptionist called me up to pick a guest.  She emphatically told me to "bill him large, he is very wealthy"

However, I took a personal decision many years ago to always deal with people sincerely.
So I gave him the services he requested and billed him the actual amount. This caught his interest and he asked for my number and he continued coming back for my services.
Ohhhh of course I was labeled a fool for not maximizing the opportunity to exploit him.

That was how our relationship started and culminated in the day he scheduled for me to meet with the Chief of Staff.

There are times when we may be tempted to exploit a person because we feel that person is wealthy.  Truth is… The wealthy prefer to buy things cheaper, and once they sense that you are ripping them off they'd do what everyone has to do… cut you off.
Same goes for everyone out there.
Who would love to conduct business with a dishonest person?

Being honest is the best way of living. It may not give you the immediate millions you yearn for but it will pay you or your children in the future.

Honesty brought me into a relationship that would've cost me a lifetime to cultivate.
Indeed honesty always pays. If not now then surely in the nearest future. 

Keep the faith alive!


  1. Nothing beats integrity and honesty.
    They never go unrewarded.


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