No guarantees!!!

Life has no guarantees
Take chances
Make the best of every opportunity
Never give up
Never give in
Give today your best
Give the world your best
Gift yourself your best

Walk out that door with your head held high
Shoulders up
Chest out
Beat your chest with pride knowing you've got everything it takes to win today
Life has no guarantees

Give a little love
Give a little laughter
Don't let the winds dampen your high spirits
Today might be all we got

Life truly has no guarantees
But when the curtains of the cloud turns to night
We'd be singing merry songs
Knowing we lived our best lives in the purest forms of who we really are
Leaving imprints of greatness in our trail on our way home

Life may not have the guarantee of tomorrow
But we'll rock every chance we are gifted as the sunshine that we are


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