The Brawling Barbie

Better to live on a corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
                                      Prob 25:24(BSB)

'Shameless man
It's almost 2 month since I loaned you 100k and you have failed to return my money
Don't try me oh
Don't just try me
I'm not all those women you can March on anyhow
I will show you this night
Better return my money
Today today'

Our neighbour Mummy Dave's voice rang loud and clear into the night
She kept hurling unprintable names at her husband

To say I was shocked was putting it mildly
As a new person in the compound, given that hubby and I just got married, the night's event was shocking to me so I tried persuading hubby to go intervene
Only to be informed that this was a normal occurrence and anyone who tried intervening was also put into her line of fire.

Mummy Dave was a very beautiful Nurse
Light skinned, tall but her tongue was a killer
Three days after that incident Mummy D frantically started searching for her husband all to no avail
Unbeknownst to her, he had worked his transfer to Porthacourt and left the very next day after the brawl.
He left without taking a single pin of his possession except for his documents

As co-tenants we couldn't help but silently celebrate his freedom
Mummy Dave was nothing short of a very terrible nightmare in the cloak of an Angel
Her tongue was fire and God help you if for any reason you crossed her path

Months later she was served divorce processes and with the drama and shame she moved out of the compound
We also sighed with relieve and never heard of her again till we relocated

The importance of peace of mind and mental/emotional wellness cannot be overemphasized 
Be a source of peace and happiness to your spouse
Make your home a haven not a war zone


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