Tick says the clock, tick tick.
Procrastination is the crown Prince of all thieves
Little by little, it's ugly hands chips away your time, resources, energy, creativity and ultimately, your life
My Mum always told us a story about her father
My maternal grandfather was a very wealthy man who dealt in yam farming as well as sales of dried fish
They grew up in a regular house, 9 children with both parents sharing a three room apartment
He'd always promise my maternal grandmother and the kids a bigger and befitting house.
Whenever the issue was raised, he'd promise to commence the building project upon his next sales
Yet, something always came up to hinder him from doing so
Few years down the line, he died and not even a single block was laid as foundation for the new house he ever so often promised
Do not put off what ought to do be done today for tomorrow because tomorrow never comes
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