what you give, what you get.

The gifts were overwhelming, leaving him at a loss for words
Not to mention the endless calls and messages
Everyone trying to outdo the other.
No, it wasn't magic of any sort
Emmy had always been caring and selfless 
So it didn't come as a surprise when there was such a turn out in his time of need.

Meanwhile downtown, Harriet was scrolling through her contact list for the 5th time
She was totally down on her luck at the moment and had made several calls already in tears but they all turned out negative
Many people had suffered hurtful experiences from her
So none showed up or wanted to have her around

Give and it will come back to you
The measure with which you give is what you'd receive and even more

Give love
Give life
Give hope
Show up 
Sometimes it's not the money but the presence
Make conscious efforts to be the reason for another person's smile
These are seeds that will come back to us someday

Sow good seeds!!!


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