Chijioke my love

Different age grades gathered to rehearse their intended display for the 31st moon-over night
This was a well celebrated night in Umudia Kingdom
Young men displayed their strength, courage and creativity
Young maidens displayed their beauty and talents
Fathers and mothers looked out for those who they could choose as wives or husbands for their wards
The elders were thoroughly entertained 
Children were allowed to stay up late
One way or the other, everyone was a part of this festive night 

Rehearsals were in full swing when I saw him
The sight of him alone made my heart race and always left me feeling out of breathe like an antelope who just escaped a hot chase from a lion
I lost my train of thought and stood rooted to the spot until another maiden bumped into me and everyone began to laugh
Chijioke always had that effect on me
It was common knowledge within maidens of my age grade that I was deeply crushing on Chijioke.
Unknown to him I had laid my claim on him long ago and even gave him a name 'Obim'
I had described how our nuptial ceremony would be conducted by the chief priest countless times that my friends already knew it by heart

Seeing him painted with the warriors stripes
Girded in his battle girdle, shield and sword with the sweat dripping all over him in all manliness as he fenced like an untamed stallion was all the motivation I needed to make me put in my very best as we rehearsed the pure maidens dance
The pure maiden dance was for girls who had gotten to marriageable age and became bethroded on the moon-over night
I knew this was my final opportunity to catch his eyes

Moon-over day couldn't have come any faster
I carefully unfolded the red feather leather skirt and cover top I had saved up to buy for this occasion
Mother straightened my hair with hot iron and dressed it up with cowries
The market square was already filled 
So many activities
And the people were all in high spirits

I couldn't take my eyes off Chijioke as he fenced with so much vigour like a gladiator as the warriors did the tribal dance
Next was the pure maidens dance
I put my heart and soul to it
It didn't cost so much because I was a naturally graceful dancer
At the peak of the dance eligible men joined in to pick the maiden of their choice to wife

As Chijioke walked into the dance I wiggled harder like a worm sprinkled with salt
He was all smiles as he walked right by and chose Amarachi the Hunter's only daughter
It felt like the wind was knocked out of me
The sight of them dancing was choking the life out of me
How could I have been blind to their love?
And so I ran
I ran as far and fast as my legs could carry me
I only stopped when I got to the river banks and there I cried out my eyes to my heart's content until I heard the voice call my name

Adaora, Ada mara nma, Ada oma
With all these names I quickly turned only to come face to face with Uchenna, my best friend and Prince of Ukwobia our neighbouring kingdom
Slowly he got down on his knees with the bethrodal flower band in hand as he said
'Ada I've loved you for the longest time. Remember how we met in this very river and fought over water years ago? That marked a new beginning in my life. We became best friends but all these years I knew I wanted you as there was nothing I kept hidden from you. I finally got my father's consent to profess my love to you tonight.
I know how much you've crushed over Chijioke but I love you dearly.
Make me the happiest man to ever walk this earth by marrying me.

Nine years later as I sit beside my king watching the moon-over night, I remember how I almost lost out
Love was staring me right in the eyes but I didn't know it
Luckily I got my chance at love before it was late
Most times the love we seek a million miles away is right there in front of us.
As we celebrate the festivities of this season let's take out a minute to look inward
Your true love might be closer than you know.


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