The month of December comes with the highest form of anticipation, excitement, celebration and then, the many mischievous deeds that also plague the month

Nigerians do not take kindly the celebrations in this month. A person works for 11 calendar months, deprives himself of alot to save and save, then travels home in December and within two weeks of festivities blows up his savings for the entire year
Some take huge loans to show off and spend the new year working to repay the loan

Another wonderful group that have caused heartbreak and headache from the foundation days of our independence is the IJGB(I just got back)
Between the 20th December to first week of January we find them with the signature gold chain on their neck and wrists, newly bought face caps and sneakers or crazy starched natives with ghettos that could serve as blades while speaking the 'innit' from their noses
Unfortunately many of our beloved ones have fallen victim to the mirage their personality present and ohhhhh, many still will

That's how Brother Anthony did us strong thing many years ago
From the minute he landed the village that December, he went around greeting elders and sharing dollars
See ehhhh we went agog oh, truly nobody had shared dollar in the village like that na
The Elders were already caling him 'Our Pride', 'True son of he soil' and many more
In over three occasions he 'declared' for everybody at the bar, bills on him
Brother Anthony was an epitome of hope and success
Everybody wanted to outdo the other to gain favour so all through his stay his house was flooded with all kinds of food, drinks and gifts

By the end of his stay that December, so many people had given him money with the hopes of him helping their wards or loved ones to 'The Abroad'
Not to mention he had won over the village bella, Adanne

Brethren, it's over 15years and we still await the return of Brother Anthony like the second coming of Christ

Anyway, onwa December erugo ozor, do well to protect yourself from the many Egyptian plagues cos dem no dey write am for face.


  1. Some will come and snatch another person's girlfriend....


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