
Today, we write about a kid who lost his life to bullies. For refusal to join their cult, he was beaten up so bad it led to the loss of his young life
Where do we begin to mourn as a people?

The parents who watched helpless as their young son cried out in pains until he breathed his last
How their souls terribly bleed in unexplainable ways
The thoughts of conceiving, birthing and raising your child only to have his life cut short in such a brutal manner

To the kids who inflicted such pains on a fellow kid, what were they thinking? How were they raised? How did they get so hardened as not to give any care what the consequences of their actions would be?

And to the parents of these kids, did they do right in the way of raising their kids not to be a menance to themselves and to others?
Have they been consistently bailing their kids whenever they got into any trouble? Today they bail their kids again.  Did they teach their kids to take responsibility for their actions? It sure wouldn't have ended this way if they did
Raising kids to be accountable, humane, caring, disciplined
Most times they're simply bearing the fruits of all the toxic gabbages they've internalized from home
Let the home front do better in raising kids instead of leaving them to helps,friends, relatives..

And the school who ought to have acted timeously but was more concerned in protecting their name 

We sure have lost an irreplaceable gem but through this we hope that families, kids and the society in general learn to do better.


  1. And the parents of the bullies flew their murderers kids abroad to avoid the long arms of the law.


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