Fallen Angel

Annabelle read the information for the end of the year party a million times, so much so that she knew all the details by heart
And just before she could blink the D'day had arrived

She couldn't seem to contain her joy and excitement and was prepared way before the slated date

Annabelle had big plans for the day
She wanted everyone to watch her slay 
Biz girl
Teenage enthusiasm coursing her veins 
She had managed to save up some cash for her the famous Darling yanki weavon, eyepencil, lipgloss and powder
The end of year party was more of a street carnival so she needed to look her best

Beautiful day Annabelle though
Nothing could spoil today for her as she hurriedly did all her chores

Party was in full swing
Annabelle even stole her mum's shoe to compliment her outfit for the evening
The evening couldn't get any better as she was standing under the mango tree with her sweet crush whispering sweet nothings when the whip landed on her back

The shock at realizing it was her father sent her sprinting only to fall 
Little Mamacita wasn't used to wearing heels
And that's how Angel Annabelle fell face down
With Daddy's whip restoring her brain to factory setting.


  1. lols.... who reported Annabelle to her father?

    1. 🤷
      She even had the heart to go rock her mum's shoe.


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