Chenemie stared at the Facebook post for the uptenth time
She couldn't believe her friend Grace was finally getting married
Not to be boastful or proud, but she knew she had all it took to attract any good guy
Good character, a job as well as her personal business, several degrees and physically she was eye catching
So why wasn't she getting proposed to?
Was there something she was missing?
All she could say was 'God when?'

Anthony was in a financial fix
After trying all he could he reluctantly had to resort to calling Samie for assistance
Anthony trained and taught Samie all he knew in business and set him up 
Five years later Samie had built houses, bought several cars, became a big time importer while Anthony's business looked like he was in a merry-go- round
He simply couldn't explain why he hadn't broken even

Joy had been married for 8years
She had visited severally hospitals
Conducted tests upon tests, yet everyone said she and hubby were fine
Of course she'd have questioned herself if she didn't marry as a virgin
As she sat cradling her friend Julie's new born baby
She didn't know when the tears ran down her cheeks as she asked 'God when?'

It may not happen for you when you want it or how you want it
But be sure that your own time will surely come
And when it does, yours would be the latest version of everything good and beautiful
It sure does hurt to see others running with achievements while it seems you're static
It may see your prayers are not getting answers
Or your efforts are not good enough
But keep pressing
Don't stop now
When it's your time, even the darkest of night won't withstand your shine
And the pains of today will be your testimony tomorrow.


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