I pray you do

I pray you meet life
I pray life meets you

I pray you get heartbroken
The one that wakes your senses up
That sets you straight and challenges you to pick your life up and reconstruct it into something beautifully meaningful like a jigsaw puzzle

I pray you fall in love 
So bad you get em crazy butterflies in your belly
The kind you forget yourself
That one that makes you wear a smile without knowing
The kind that makes all the pain worth the wait
The kind that makes you know you're royalty 

I pray for you that those friends go
The ones who you do comfort with
I pray they go
The ones who just watch you or envy you or just spite you or them enemies in disguise
You say you've been together for years?
I pray they leave to give room for your life to allign with better
To meet those who'd shape and challenge you to become all that you can be to find you

I pray it fails
Those plans, that appointment, yes that job
I pray they all fail
That which will cause you pain and sorrow
That will cost you your life?
I pray it fails

I pray you do life not just cos you exist but to live it to it's fullest
To take the risks and chances
To go on that adventure and see the world
To be free and happy
To be better not bitter
To rise above no matter the challenges
To look the adversaries and say 'you can't stop me'
To give and give
To give all that is in you so much so that when the time comes you can smile and say I lived my best and gave all that is me


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