Self Love

Love your neighbour as you love yourself
Simply put, you must first love yourself
And then,you can only love your neighbour to the degree which you love yourself 

Some of us break our backs for persons we know are not appreciative of who we are or what we give
Going out of your way for such persons is nothing short of shooting yourself

At some point we have to put ourselves first
You must first be a healthy and happy person before you can be a good partner to your spouse, a good parent, child, sibling or relative
You can't give what you don't have

The way you love and carry yourself is the way others will treat you
Nobody will love you for you
And if indeed you love those around you, you'd treat yourself right

Not everyone has the chance to do this twice
Some fade away and die from giving of themselves and not spending time to refresh and rejuvenate

Love you
Care for you
Put you first.


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