Time to party!

Party scatter
Party scatter
Party scatter
Party scatter...
Are you ready oh
Are you ready oh...

Fire boy's jam was on repeat in my head
As I swayed my hips left, right and prepared for the hangout slated for this evening by 4pm

I really deserved this groove, looked forward to unwind from all the stress
Getting the kids ready was a herculean task
30 minutes just for bathing
Another 30minutes plus to get them dressed

Pretty pissed but this party, I must attend
Hubby was out on a very important meeting and he was supposed to meet us at the party venue so basically I was on my own with the kids

My time to get dressed was accompanied with screams from me
Yells, kicking and screaming from the kids
5:39pm and at this point I knew I needed to take Panadol extra

All praise to God we were ready to go and the minute I locked the door I heard 'Mummy poo poo'

I threw my hands in the air and gave up
Removed my wig and gave them their potty 
6:05pm for a party slated to end by 7:30pm?
How would I have known I was prophesying?

Indeed party scatter!!!


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha

    1. And they'd keep saying 'you need more kids'. Mtwwwwww


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