You made it as well!

So many beautiful pictures flying on social media
Pictures of families, friends..
Everyone looking like they all got it together and hit gold this year

Some traveled home
There you find the real deal
Everyone is looking all flawless, 
Something big happening for A, 
New job for B
Husband for C
D just relocated
Q moved to their own house

Somebody's wondering where they stand because they're certain they gave 2021 their best shot
How did others get to do all these?

By the end of the festivities you'd find people reclining and becoming depressed like they didn't do good enough
Or setting up unrealistic targets so they too will have what to show next year

Helllllllllooooooo Dear,
This year, you did good
You're alive and well
Yes, you'd do better next year
Not to impress anyone or because of the pressures of this season
Do better for you and your loved ones
Do better because you deserve better
Next year you'd also have a million reasons to smile.


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