
Gerald had been working tirelessly on this project. Six months in and his proposal had been turned down four times on the grounds of one amendment, correction, additional ideas or so
He walked into his friend Marks office and flung the project's documents on his table

Gerald: Guy I'm officially done with this house funding project.
The returned it again.
This is the 5th time after I just defended it
Mark: Guy calm down. You've done extensive research on this project, committed your time as well as resources to it and I believe it's a very sound project that will would not only be beneficial to the company but the community as well. Not forgetting the financial gains.
What's their reason this time?
Gerald: Some fresh corrections and all
Mark: How about you bring it to our spot after work and Jay and I have a look at it?
Gerald: Only if you insist. See you by 7pm.

Two weeks later the guys were celebrating. With the help of his friends Gerald secured the approval and fundings for his project.

It's a known fact that life is not always rosy
There are days and there are days
Some high, some low
Some days we are confronted with issues so tough we want to give up
At this point in our lives, the kind of persons surrounding you matters alot

Having the right kind of people around you in your moment of weakness cannot be overrated
The right kind of people will support and encourage you
They'd help you, hold your hand and lift you up when you're down
Their words bring you the strength you need 

A genuine support in your corner is worth more than a million persons who are just there to hype you
Build the right kind of circle around you.


  1. Build the right kind of circle.... Make I hope buy blocks and cement fess


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