Death by Google

Something must kill a man right?
But I never envisage that this was how I'd leave this sinful world
How could I possibly be ridden with all these diseases at the young age of 27?

I had been having cough for some time, it seemed quite persistent after taking all the prescribed syrup from the pharmacy 
I decided to try alternative treatments,  some suggested ginger and lemon hot water, honey, lemon grass.... so many teas and this evil cough persisted 

One of those lovely evenings after taking my lemon tea with no luck I thought to try the ever handy all knowing medical consultant, GOOGLE. Biggest mistake ever!

It most likely seemed Google was mad at someone the day I chose to consult her hence I became the object of her anger because how else can one explain this?

I simply typed in causes of cough and treatment. Hmmmmmmm and there began my worst nightmare. Google stated cough as an underlying  symptom for several diseases from lung cancer, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, blood clots in the lungs, asthma to mention but a few. How?
Was my sin possibly be the gravest on earth?

By the time I was done googling, I was drenched in sweat from head to toe, headache seemed to have joined the cough as well, my heart was racing like a wild horse, I had prayed a million times begging my maker for forgiveness of sin. Didn't want to die so young. To say I saw my life flash before my eyes would be an understatement. The reason for going online was long forgotten, I began praying for a second chance at life.

Thankfully God heard my prayer oh.
It took a simple drug from the pharmacy and Mr cough was gone.
Seek proper consultation and mediation whenever you're I'll. Don't Doctor yourself. 


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