Mirror mirror on the wall

Mum came visiting last month and spent some days with us
It sure was a fun time but by the time she was leaving,  my daughter had picked up something from her.
You see, Mum loved having tea and bread every morning or better still, every chance she gets and most of all, she loved dunking her bread
My daughter always joined Mum in her tea ritual such that by the time she left, my daughter had taken up the dunking and tea habit

My son always loved to shower with his father. No matter how many times he's had his bath in a day, once his Dad returns home for the day, they must shower together. 
Hubby has a particular way he likes to towel his body after bathing 
Of course, my son has naturally picked up toweling himself same way

Most times as parents we get caught up in the web of what we have going for us, from one project or activity to the other, leaving instructions on how we expect our kids to do or how we want them to behave
However, kids are more of followers of the examples they see us lead. They are quick to emulate our actions than the words or instructions we give

It therefore behooves on us as parents to be examples of what we want our kids to be.Kids are more or less a reflection of parents hence the phrase 'Like father,like son'

We also owe our kids the duty of carefully selecting the things our kids watch or listen to as well as those they surround themselves with from friends to caregivers 

Let's therefore take actions deliberately, knowing that we are the template for our kids.


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