Chants of ole, ole, ole rent the air until the house mistress intervened, dispersing the crowd of students and taking away a tearful, frightened and sorely humiliated Jess away
 Ohhhhhhhhh it was 2005, and a group of 3 High school girls had decided they'd teach the ever smiling Jess a lesson. 
'She thinks she can get everyone to eat out of her palm? Best this, Best that, always chosen to represent the school and now I hear they want to make her the Head girl? said Amaka with so much bitterness 
'Not on my watch oh. I'm sure her father must've given the Principal a heavy amount of money that's why. I've worked so hard for that position and I won't let her take it' Trisha interjected 
Tracy simply nodded her consent. Few hours later Trisha accused Jess of theft and no matter how much Jess tried to explain herself,  Trisha only screamed louder till she attracted the attention of other students.

The incident cost Jess her proposed position as Head girl. Stigmatized and depressed she was forced to change school. 

15 years later Jess walked into Oaks trink & Gem as the new manager. She had just bought over the company and was to address the staffs on the new management change.
During the course of the official handover as she stood giving her speech she came face to face with no one else but Trisha who was the head of the company's logistics. 

Jess purposed to pay Trisha back in every way possible. In less than two months Trisha had gone from queries to demotion to working overtime, deduction of salary for any mistake...... Ohhhh she was practically living in hell.

Of course Jess held all the power and this revenge was indeed a sweet one to dish out but slowly she had gone from the woman who overcame her past and turned into a beautiful dynamite to a revenge thirst filled woman. She caught herself in the act one day when instead of trying to meet a deadline for a contract in front of her she was typing Trisha's suspension.  
Forgiveness doesn't come easy you know, but Jess had to give it not just for Trisha but to save the woman who she really was, from becoming a bitter monster.

We've all been hurt in varying degrees and at different phases of our lives but if we let our pains guide us we would self destruct the beauty of who we really are. 
Not all of us would be gifted to come across those who hurt us or given the opportunity to talk it out with them in order to get some form of closure.Those painful steps to forgiveness and healing is more important to the person who has been hurt. 

It definitely isn't a walk in the park but I encourage us all to begin to walk that road to forgiveness and healing. 
One step, one day at a time.


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