Shame to bad people; never be caught unawares.

Admirer: Hello Chi please can you come downstairs 
Me: For what? Any problem? I'm exhausted. 
Admirer: Please I'd really love to talk with you. Can you meet me at the suya spot?
Me: It's alright. See you in a bit

Felix had been on my case in this University for such a long time. Professing his love every chance he got but sadly the feeling wasn't mutual. I tried my best to be his friend which was why I even considered this call. 
I never gave him any reason to say I was leading him on as I made it clear there couldn't be any relationship between us.  As I sashayed downstairs with my friend we both pondered on what he could be wanting this time. 

The suya spot was the hottest spot in the school hostel and every evening it was like a market place for students to eat and chill. 
Haven been pre-informed about where he was I didn't hesitate to stash some currency notes into my Jean pocket for many reasons.  First my Dad taught me to never leave my room without cash, secondly I didn't want any free gifts from Felix.

Meeting Felix was the same old story. He took my friend and I to the spot, ordered for suya while singing his love for me as always and I was quick to remind him that my decision didn't change. 

The mallam had wrapped up the suya and turned for his cash. That's when it became evident why he brought me there. So many people were waiting to be attended to as well and you can guess how impatient students can be.
Felix stepped aside and said pay now, I only told you I was here, I never said I wanted suya. Since its wrapped for you, pay.

He meant to embarrass me because I turned him down.
My friend already had a frightening look on her face, as though she was saying 'you see why you shouldn't have listened to him?'
I majestically dipped my hands in my pocket and paid without breaking a sweat.

To say my friend was relieved would be an understatement and at that moment I couldn't be thankful enough to my Dad for instilling that money principle in me.
As for Mr Admirer, it was evident in the way his face fell that he was disappointed his well hatched plan failed.
I walked out with my friend, head held high and that was that. Never gave him the time of the day again. 

-According to my Dad, never leave your house for whatever reason without cash even if you're going out with me
-Be careful, some narcissists and crazy fellow are roaming around disguised 
-Some persons derive joy when you hurt or fail. Never give them the satisfaction of knowing how you feel
-Once again, thou shall not leave thy house without cash. This should be every ladies 11th commandment 
Always hold your vex money! 
Shame to bad people wey go won embarrass us.


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