The blessings of gratitude

The encomium didn't stop
On and on and on she went 
From showering him with praises to kneeling down
And then she began to sing and dance
Ohhhhhhhh by this time my father's pockets were literally empty
He gifted my mum with something and as is her culture she went on an endless display of her gratitude 

If you've met my mother you'd know her for how she shows gratitude for things no matter how little. I grew up knowing her that way and have done my best in emulating this culture

A little show of gratitude can open doors that we might ordinarily wouldn't have had access to or would've cost us alot to get to
Gratitude never goes out of style. In fact the more gratitude we show the tendencies we have to receive more

Gratitude is one sure key that works no matter who's in question.
A thankful person is such a delight to be around. Thankful people are cheerful and happy people. Who wouldn't want to give to such a person?

Make it a lifestyle hack to adopt henceforth 
And see how much wonders it does for you.


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