There are many fishes in the ocean!

Drew's voice could be heard from miles away as he yelled at Helen on the phone

'I made you, how dare you talk back at me?
It seems you've forgotten your place as my secretary. I'm your Boss so, you jump when I say so.
I dont care if it's Saturday,  your day off or you're I'll. I said i need that file on my table in an hour so whatever or however you'd do it get that file to me.'

He didn't even give her the chance to respond as he ended the call.
Helen had been a secretary for a very long time in the Oaks magna corporation.
Having served Drew's father while he ran the company until his retirement, making Drew the next manager.

She was largely instrumental to the successful  tenure of Mr Desmond, Drew's father as the manager. Covering up so many Conferences and projects, schedules and all, she was practically the shadow manager.
As Drew ended the call Helen decided she deserved better after 20 years plus at Oaks, with so many other interesting companies who had been making offers at her for years,she forwarded a resignation mail to him immediately.

Eight months later and 12 secretaries after, Drew was practically hunting Helen with every enticing offer possible as the company had not only lost loads of major clients but was struggling to stay afloat.

'I dont need them, if they want to go let them go
I was surfing before they came along and I'd still survive after they leave'
True, but at what cost?

So before you tell them to go, no matter the relationship, realize that some people come into your life as a once in a lifetime wonder. 
Do not be deceived Dearest, not everyone is replaceable. 


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