Treat me nice!

Sorting out the calendar for the year
Taking a new course
You just returned from a stressful trip to the village
Barely dropped your bag and it's chores chores chores
Oh! Not to forget that work has resumed

Sir/Ma, did you just take another Panadol extra in the room?
And you still got kids to tend to
Or working on some deadline already from your Boss?

No go dey do pass yourself!
A million and one things cramped up in your to-do list
Sure this year we are intentional and would be on our toes
But we need to get into the game sharp and sound in our minds and our body as well

So before you pick up that file
Step on your brakes
Even if it's for a day, treat your body to a day of relaxation
Rest your mind, your soul and spirit
Take out those few hours to just close your eyes

What good will it be to hit all our targets, make all the money and end on the sick bed by the end of the day because our bodies decided to shut down?
You deserve that treat
It may seem so little a time, but you never know the magic a minute of quiet and self care can do.


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