Why are you wearing my Daddy's shoe?

Service today was a bang
Had a swell time
From the worship to the word, there was no dull moment 
I especially had a good time cos hubby just got back from a trip and bought me a lovely black dress and very cute clothes for the kids which we all rocked to church
And to mark the last sunday of the month I gave my best dance

I rarely take pictures but today I looked exceptionally sweet if I do say so myself 
Therefore I decided to take some pictures like alot of people do after servce 
Wanted to capture the moment 

A few shots here and there
Compliments and hugs
Then off hubby went to pick the kids from their section in church so they could join in the pictures 

'Mummy D turn to the side and strike a pose moving your hips' the lady who was taking the pics said as she tried to get me to take a different position for her to capture 

And there we were in the middle of the shot with so many others taking and having their pictures taken as well when I heard my kids run up to me shouting 'Mummy, mummy!
Of course I got sweet hugs and turned them to join me in the pictures when my son suddenly screamed 
'Mummy, why are you wearing Daddy's shoe na, why are you wearing my Daddy's shoe?'
Jesu Oluwa oh!
That's how everyone standing around us turned to stare at me and the said shoe
Hubby got this cute sneakers recently and i can only describe it as irresistible 
So when I saw the gown he got me, I instantly knew I had to do it with the awesome sneakers
Now here I was, standing exposed ehhhh.

Ever had any embarrassing moment courtesy of these little adorable Darlings?
Happy Sunday!


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