Assumptions Assumptions

Everybody said that anybody could do, important things that somebody should do, everybody knows that anybody could do all the good things that nobody did.

Assumptions Assumptions Assumptions 
Had led many astray, destroyed friendships, caused heartbreaks and loss.
'I thought we were on the same page'
'I thought you knew how I felt for you'
'I thought we had concluded on the job'
'I thought A was handling the project'.

Assumptions can cause very deadly mistakes. Whatever you do not fully understand, ask for clarification. Do not go on thinking the other party has the same understanding as you. We are humans not mind reading spirits. People deny things that are spelt out, how much more that which is not?

John was always around Betty. They shared their pains, thoughts, resources, ideas and more. They were as close as 5&6. Before Betty coughed, John would be there to answer. 2 years down the line, John told Betty he found someone he was in love with and was considering marrying her. Betty assumed they were in a relationship all the while and had turned down numerous suitors because of John. John on the other hand claimed he was just being a shoulder to lean on given that Betty had been through bad relationships and was going through a difficult time.
This situation applies to business as well, it's not just emotional relationships based.

Any situation you're not expressly clear on what it is or where it's about or where it's headed be brave enough to speak up and have things defined. This would save you from investing time, money, energy, emotions where you shouldn't. 
Remember to always ask!


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