Make that paradigm shift today

Hubby was never a fan of okro when we met. At best I'd say he tolerated it just for the sake of it.
Down the line after the I dos, he couldn't get over the fact that okro was amongst my favourite meal. I'd try in every way to get him to join me to no avail but one day he decided to give it a try and he couldn't resist asking for more. His initial resistance to it due to past experiences that were bad was totally forgotten.

The same is applicable to our world today
New waves and inventions, new formulas and strategies yet some turn a blind eye to it for one reason or the other
We have seen it time and again that the times are always changing and those who refuse to change with it become obsolete and fade into oblivion.
Remember the days of BlackBerry? How about Nokia? Who would've ever thought that those phones would no longer be in existence today?

Change is the only thing constant.
In an ever changing time, why stay static?
In your business, relationships, lifestyle....
Take the risk, open up the window for something new
Everything we need is at the tip of our fingers, technology has made it so easy.
New information, science, technology,  services.... all available on a click.
Give 'new' a chance
Make room for improvement, or better still upgrade. 


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