Monster Teachers!

Once again another story circulates the social media on teacher's brutality to a pupil this time it's an under 2years old child who was hand bound and flogged 31 strokes by mother and son (the owners of the school) and in the end lost her life

We've read countless stories on brutality of children in school by their teachers
Children below the age of 6 years can test one's patience which is only natural
With this knowledge, why would an adult choose to become a teacher to these young children without patience, proper training and evaluation?

Kids sent to school to be taught and cared for come back to their parents emotionally traumatized, scared, scarred, battered and in worst cases end up dead

What could possibly be the crimes of these kids?
Why the onslaught on kids today?
How can such teachers educate or protect kids from being bullied by their fellow kids?
What punitive measures are been put in place to check this growing monster?
What can be done?
Imagine the fear and trepidation in the hearts of parents as well as their kids as they go to school
It's heartbreaking for any parent to find their child assaulted, battered or dead all in the name of education
We can't afford to fold our hands because this growing virus will spare no one
We must all lend our voices now!


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