Motivational motivational motivation

▪Look before you leap.
 He who hesitates is lost
▪Absence makes the heart fonder.
  Out of sight is out of mind
▪The more the merrier. 
 Two is company, three is a crowd
▪If you love a person you'd fight for him.
 What is yours will come to you, you dont have to fight for it.
Abeg are we fighting or are we not fighting?

This brings to mind last year's Valentine I was thinking of how to wow my man so I took to listening to some relationship tapes to get some tips and one of the things taught was to spice up things in the oza room

Ding Ding
The spicing idea stuck
This one would be pretty easy to do na
Highly motivated, I switched to power mood
I had some spicing up shakira moves to pull

That night was lit
Baby girl got adorned in fifty shades garments and gadgets 
All to wow brother oh
If only I could see the future, I would've stayed with the eternal missionary style, and just as implied, it's been saving lives since 18BC

But you know how it is 
When the spirit comes upon you, you believe you can do and undo
My Dears I pulled a snake in the monkey shadow move and brother was already giving me the codes to all his accounts when we heard kkkiiiiimmmm
As a gentleman hubby got us to the finish line but you sister was twisted inside out like a tangled wire
Like a maze brother untangled me oh but waist had shifted
Two weeks of pain relief tablets, aboniki and hot water therapy taught your sister which motivational motivation to be motivated by.

So my brethren as you listen or read, choose carefully the one that will work for you.
                        Talking from experience.


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