Mummy's everyday life

It had been a pretty long day
Running around, house chores and topped off with cooking several meals against the new week
At this point all I needed was rest 
Rest and a well deserved bowl of goodness
 Unfortunately hubby wasn't home, so I had to also watch the kids but I decided I'd take a super two minutes for myself and my getaway mission

I grab a bowl, fill it with my special treat of garri, milk, groundnut and sugar
Armed with my bowl and chilled water, I make a smooth dash for the room from the kitchen
Unfortunately I had to pass by the sitting room to get to the bedroom 

Puuufffffff I slide into the room giving myself a mental high-five for moving so swiftly the kids didn't notice me as they were lost in watching their cartoon 
Now I could indulge 
The minute I poured water into the bowl of my garri, I looked up to find my son feigning tears or whatever it is

So I carry him on my lap
We drink the garri together with him taking 90% of it
He took the last spoon, drank water and then I asked him 'Are you satisfied now?'
He replies with a hug smile, gave me a solid and ran off
So much for a two minutes mum-break.


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