Never forget where you began

Grace ended the call the minute she recognized Tammy's voice 
Benson blatantly refused offering any help
Tracy didn't even bother taking her calls no matter how many times she called
Tammy scrolled through her contact list and thought to try another one
Jude picked on the third ring
Tammy: Hello, Jude this is Tammy
Jude: What! Tammy? What's happening?
Tammy: Nothing much, I just thought to call you
Jude: Tammy the last time we spoke was three years ago when you said you couldn't let my kid sister pass the night in your house knowing fully well she was new in your town and stranded
Tammy: J, it's not like that, I had just moved into a new place, with new furnishings and I had quite alot of expensive things inside. Besides, i don't really know your sister 
Jude: It's alright, Tammy what can i do for you, I'm at work.
Tammy: J, please I need money. I lost my job and I've been going through alot
Jude: And that's why you called me after three good years?
Out of the magnanimity of his heart, Jude sent her money but how could she ever know he was now the CEO to a fast rising Jewelry company and as such could easily have employed her

The reactions she got didn't come as a surprise as Tammy ditched her friends the minute they graduated college and she gained employment and began earning in 6 figures.
Life as we all know is not static 
Many years down the line and she was in dire need of help but everywhere she turned no one was willing to lend a hand because she had burnt all the bridges 

Never forget where you come from
Do not those who stood as ladders for you on your way to the top
Do not be quick to shut the door on friends 
Don't forget your days of humble beginnings 
No one knows tomorrow. 


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