Our biggest treasures.

Anyone who has been around me knows I'm the female version of my father
I spent so much time with him in my formative years
We went everywhere together
He taught me to read and write 
Taught me alot of values that guide my character and principles today 
He was very much involved in everything that concerned me 
Many years after I sometimes see myself do things unconsciously like he used to do.

The rise of moral decadence, social vices and more are glaring manifestations that the place of parental guidance and relationship is gravely lacking in our society of today
We are lost as parents chasing things that are fleeting or ohhhhhhh we're hustling to provide for the kids and give them the best lives? At what cost?
We are barely home to instruct and guide them or share any quality time interacting with them to know things going on in their lives and how to step in

This is the time when we can make the difference in the live of our kids
Now that they're teachable and can be easily corrected 
This is the time to cultivate that relationship between parent and their kids
Take out the time to be present in their lives as this indeed is the best Gift we can give our kids
If they are truly the reason why we do all we do then we should be able to invest time as well to nurture them as they grow.


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